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Hands-On Field Workshops

Bob is available to conduct hands-on workshops in your community on any number of topics.

All hands-on workshops are learn by doing. This means the students learn the processes in each workshop by actually doing all the work from beginning to end. Bob Yapp and his various assistants guide and teach as they go with each and every workshop.

While most of the hands-on workshops below have a 12 student maximum, we are setup to do very large volunteer events with up to 40 participants.

Exterior Wood Repair

Photo-Epoxy WorkshopOwners of old and historic houses and contractors can learn how to save money and time by repairing old rotted trim, columns and spindles rather than replacing them. Students will learn how to use architectural epoxies as well as making real wood repairs to original wood surfaces.

According to Yapp, “Most old house owners look at their original rotted wood columns, railings, balusters (spindles), windows, and trim and feel they can’t be saved. The replacement product industry is counting on you believing this and spends tens of millions of dollars a year to convince to consumers to buy their products. Most of the wooden parts in old homes are made with old growth lumber that is just not available any longer. By repairing these character defining features you can save this stronger and more rot resistant lumber with less hassle and lower cost than replacing it.”

Up to 12 participants. One or two days of fun and intense, hands-on learning with handouts. Also available in three and five day configurations

Window Restoration & Weatherization Boot Camp

Window Restoration College students priming sas. October 2008This event has been hugely popular. We offer one, three and five day Window Restoration & Weatherization Boot Camps. These hands-on events takes the student through the repair and restoration process by actually doing the work from beginning to end. Up to 12 students can participate. Students will leave knowing how to cost effectively restore historic windows and make them as or more energy efficient than a replacement window.

We also can cater this event strictly for contractors including how to incorporate window restoration into a business. We can email more detailed information on this. Nothing is greener than an old window!

Historic Masonry & Re-Pointing Workshop

Masonary WorkshopOne Day Historic Masonry & Re-Pointing Workshop is an event that your organization or community can sponsor in concert with Preservation Resources Inc.

Students learn all the basics of historic masonry and actually re-point failed mortar on either a historic Main Street building or historic house. They will be part of a team re- pointing the brick at a historic property in your community.

The day begins with a morning classroom session and a walk-around to look at masonry issues in your neighborhood or downtown. In the afternoon students will physically re-point historic masonry on a house or building in your community. The afternoon will be a fun and intense, learn-by-doing opportunity.

Students will learn the underlying causes of masonry deterioration and failure as well as how to prevent these issues. Students will also learn the best methods and materials to use when repairing or maintaining exterior masonry surfaces.

Up to 12 participants. 8 hours of fun and intense, hands-on learning with handouts. Also available in three and five day configurations.

Making Wooden Storm Windows

Setting curved glass into arched top wood storm windowPreviously only available at the Belvedere School for Hands-On Preservation, we are now offering this hands-on workshop on the road, in your community as well.

Making Wooden Storm Windows is a fun and intense, three-day, hands-on learning
experience you can bring to your community. Students will learn how to make wooden storm windows working side-by-side all three days with instructor Bob Yapp. Bob has been a woodworker and furniture designer/maker for 40 years.

This will be an intense, learn-by-doing opportunity. You will learn why wood storms are important, how to measure an opening for a storm, how to grade/pick lumber, storm sash construction with true mortise & tenon joinery, glass/screen installation weather-stripping & installation techniques.

At the end of the three days you will know from beginning to end, how to build wooden storm windows by actually making them. All students completing the class will receive a “Certificate of Completion”. We can email more detailed information on this workshop.

Great Unveilings

Laura Hawkins Unveiling- WOW---WOW!Bob personally conducts a Great Unveiling. Bob will assist your community plan and undertake the removal of non-original siding from one to two houses in a day. This event really brings neighborhoods and organizations together. This event is very visual and creates a great media opportunity. If you’re interested in this event we have additional materials we can email.

Passive Wood Flooring Repair & Restoration

Students removing the last of the damaged but original shellac finish with danatured alcoholThis is an intense, learn-by-doing opportunity. This class is not about aggressively drum sanding wood floors so they look new. Much like fine antiques we want to keep the character defining features and patina of the flooring.

You will learn how to patch bad areas so they don’t look patched, passively remove the damaged old finish, remove water and pet stains as well as how to apply a finish. At the end of the three days you will know from beginning to end, how to repair & passively restore any hardwood or softwood tongue & grooved strip floor.

Exterior House Painting

Historic HouseThis event has been hugely popular. We offer one, three and five day Exterior House Painting. This hands-on event takes the student through the entire process of how and why houses get painted successfully. Learn how to achieve a 15 to 20 year paint job by actually doing it in the field. Up to 12 students can participate.

We also can cater this event strictly for contractors including how to incorporate long term, cost effective paint jobs into a business. We can email more detailed information on this workshop.

Other Three to Five Day Hands-On Workshops Bob Yapp Can Conduct

For more information and fee structures, contact Bob Yapp at 217-474-6052 or by e-mail at